Kids & Teens Ministries

• Children’s Worship – 3- to 5-year-olds learning about and worshiping God (during morning service)
• Sunday School – K-12th graders journeying through the faith (following morning service) We use several curricula including resources from Faith Alive and Precept Ministries.
• Cadets – Boys being guided by God’s Word to be good stewards in the world
• GEMS – Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior through Bible study, relationships, and experiences
• Youth ROC – Junior high students Relying On Christ through Bible study, service, and fellowship
• CREW – High school students maturing in the faith through study, mission work, and relationships
Youth or adults who would like to profess their faith meet with a mentor to explore their walk with Jesus and create a meaningful expression of their faith. Occasionally we also hold profession of faith classes.
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to all ages, including youth. Discover how God is wiring you to serve him and the world by completing the youth version of our spiritual gifts survey.
Please contact us about when and where our youth groups meet or if you’re interested in professing your faith.
Check out our adult ministries page: