Motivated by God’s love for us and a hurting world, Trinity Christian Reformed Church seeks to know God through his Word and be equipped to serve others. We desire to do this to the praise of God.

What to expect
Trinity Christian Reformed Church is a people and a place responding to God’s call to be an Authentic, Compassionate, Growing, and Worshiping Community.
When you join us on Sunday, you’ll find people of all ages and stages of life. We wear ties or blue jeans, dresses or flip flops. Services are usually 60-75 minutes long and are planned around understanding and applying God’s Word in today’s world. And we love to sing! Our favorites includes hymns composed centuries ago as well as songs written in the past few years. Praise teams lead most services, accompanied by piano and sometimes organ, guitar, or drums. Times of prayer and an opportunity to give financially are part of each service. Through baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the joy of belonging to God and to one another is regularly celebrated and renewed. We pray that our worship on Sunday propels us to worship God all week long in vibrant and meaningful ways.
A safe nursery with caring volunteers is available for infants and toddlers during our worship services. During the school year, we welcome 3- to 5-year-olds to Children’s Worship partway through the morning service. School-age kids learn God’s Word and grow in their love for Jesus in our Sunday School Ministry following the morning service.
Read more about our history and background here.
You can find material from our 50th anniversary here.